JUDICIARY Latest Features

Justice Okuo Flags off Mbarara Plea Bargaining Camp

Hon. Lady Justice Jane Okuo Kajuga, flagged off a two-day Plea Bargaining Camp where 178 accused persons have enrolled.

The Plea Bargaining Focal Judge noted that with the fast access to justice, victims/relatives of victims have an opportunity to participate in the sentencing process which creates good will. 

She reiterated the need not to enlist for the programme if they are sure of their innocence but instead wait for their day in court.

Aggravated Defilement and Murder cases dominate the list of cases being handled.

Present at the Camp; Hon.Lady Justice Joyce Kavuma (Head of Mbarara High Court Circuit), Hon. Justice Allan Nshimye (Resident Judge Mbarara High Court), Deputy Registrar HW Zulaika Nanteza, representatives from the Office of the Director of PublicProsecutions, advocates on State Brief among other stakeholders.

Posted 13th, March 2024
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